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Cake ID - 499

29th Birthday Cake


Rs 5,200/-

( For 4 Pounds Cake )

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Also buy Candles, Balloons, Flowers and other Party Accessories

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Note: Item delivery will depends upon total quantity of items, One item will be delivered with in 5 to 6 hours. Total price will be multiply by pounds & total quantity of item.


Make your 29th birthday wishes more special:

If you are living in Lahore, and want to celebrate a birthday party. Contact us for getting amazing ideas. We help you to enjoy your event in a best way. It is well said that age is just number. What actually matters is your inside approach towards life. But in real life things do matter. Our approaches get change with the increase in number of years. As vanity increases with age. 29 is no doubt possesses a great importance. It can be the peak time of someone’s age in many aspects. Men usually tend to be more focused and concerned about their goals and future. In this age.

Birthday is an event that sometimes makes us to recall our childhood and past. Let’s say if anyone around you is that much busy in his life that he/she does not get time even on his birthday to make some memories. You must do some effort to make their day special. Let you partner believe that 29th birthday is the best birthday of their lives.

Our cake bakers staff has designed a special 29th birthday cake for making it a wonderful year of your life.

Cake Bakers Are ready to do something for you …

If you have agreed to do something for your 29 years old partner, let us know about your 29th birthday wishes plans. We have designed a special 29th birthday cake as we know the need of our customers. Our cake bakers provide best cakes in Lahore. We have already proved ourselves so many times. Our cake bakers staff always help us to maintain the honor of our services and providing best cakes in Lahore. You can have it on the birthday of your spouse. You have spent a couple of years with him/her, and you are going to spend your whole life together. This is the best time to enjoy your events before you get too old. With This specially designed 29th birthday cake will surely make your 29th birthday wishes wonderful and full of smiles. That’s what we all require and we all wish for on these occasions.

We guarantee you the best of taste and design…



29th Birthday Cake
This Cake have been rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 reviews.
We have a collection of UPTO 500 Cakes & Accessories. Cakes on sale, ranging from PKR 300 to PKR 50000

cakes.com.pk has always been the best source of providing best cakes in lahore. Thank you for making our day special.

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Ali hassan

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